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6 Coping Skills for Stressed Parents

By Jatauna Stanger  •  0 comments  •   7 minute read

Mother learning ways to cope with stress

Parenthood can be a wild rollercoaster ride, complete with unexpected twists, turns, and the occasional loop-de-loop. But amidst the chaos of sippy cups, sleepless nights, and tantrums over broccoli, stressed parents deserve a little superhero cape of their own!

In this blog, we're here to unveil the secret stash of superpowers – well, coping skills – that can help moms and dads conquer the everyday challenges of raising tiny humans with smiles on their faces (or at least, most of the time).

So, if you've ever wondered how to keep your sanity intact while navigating the wonderful world of parenting, fasten your seatbelt because we're about to take you on a stress-busting adventure!


What is Stress?

According to Mississippi State University(1), "stress is… any stimulus, either psychological (affecting the mind) or physiological (affecting the body), that requires a response or adaptation."

Stress is the body's response to a situation with a possible negative outcome. Many different circumstances can bring on stress.

For example, if someone is camping in the woods and comes in close contact with a wild animal, there are immediate mental and physical responses.

First, the brain sends messages to the nervous system that there is danger. Hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol, are released.

The heart rate increases, blood pressure rises, and pupils dilate to prepare the body to fight for survival. Stress can also accompany major or minor changes such as moving, injury, losing a job, confrontation, or losing a loved one.

Symptoms of stress can include insomnia, headaches, fatigue, nervousness, irritability, weight gain, or weight loss. Prolonged(2) stress may be damaging to the body and mind. Life can be stressful, especially as a parent.

Hopefully, you can use these 5 coping skills and CBD to help you feel more relaxed and happy as a parent.


1. Redefine The Stressor

According to a study by Stanford University (3)(4), "Embracing Stress is more important than reducing stress." You can redefine a stressful situation by taking time to think about it.

Decide if it's worth your efforts to sort it out. Make a plan to overcome it, and then choose to believe you are strong and capable enough for that growth.

Whether possible or too hard, the way we think about a situation greatly affects our body and mind.

Stress can be like a dose of energy in situations such as starting a new job, having a baby, or learning a new skill. It can help you work harder, faster, and more efficiently.

If you've succeeded afterward, you may experience feelings of fulfillment, accomplishment, and even happiness because you achieved your goal. Many successful people view stress as an opportunity to learn and grow.

People with this 'I can' mentality may be happier than those who believe the experience is too hard or that they are incompetent.

When a parent starts potty training, the 'I can' parent may educate themselves first about potty training, make a sticker chart, and sing a song with their child to help them feel excited about the new habit of going potty every 30 minutes.

The parent who is not feeling positive about the potty training experience may not have as much success if they believe it will be hard.

Many successful people believe stress is a good indicator of possible growth and do not view it as harmful or damaging. This mentality can help us handle our challenges in a positive way.


2. Talk About Your Stressors

Couple talking about there stressful day

Talking about your stressors may be a healthy way for you to relieve them. The University of Rochester Medical Center says (5), "If you struggle with stress, depression, or anxiety, keeping a journal can be 6a great idea. It can help you gain control of your emotions and improve your mental health."

Journaling can help you "prioritize problems, fears, and concerns… recognize triggers and learn ways to control them better…identify negative thoughts and behaviors."

Keeping a weekly gratitude journal may also be beneficial in reducing stress. By keeping a record of the things we love, enjoy, and appreciate, we may notice more goodness in our lives.

You can start journaling by setting aside just a few minutes each day. Some people may enjoy writing their thoughts through poetry or song.

If you feel like you do not have the tools or resources to overcome the challenges at hand on your own, it may be beneficial to reach out to a friend, family member, or therapist for help.


3. Stay Physically Active

Studies show that if you can find a way to enjoy physical exercise, you may feel happier. Exercise has many health benefits. It can reduce adrenaline and cortisol, the body's stress hormones, and raise the feel-good hormones called endorphins.

According to Harvard University(6), "…when your body is busy, your mind will be distracted from the worries of daily life and will be free to think creatively… as your waistline shrinks and your strength and stamina increase, your self-image will improve."

As a parent, it's sometimes tricky to find the time to exercise. There are many different ways to get exercise, including a walk with your child, getting a gym membership, and taking advantage of inexpensive childcare.

Another option would be for you to trade childcare with a trusted friend so that you can work out. Some parents prefer to wake up before their child and go for a morning jog or join an online yoga class.

Exercise may also be a healthy way to work through emotional stress. A study done by The Global Health & Fitness Association (7) shows that 89% of participants showed a "significant, positive increase between physical activity and mental health."

When we exercise regularly, it can improve our physical and mental health because of its positive effects on our physical appearance and increased endorphins.


4. Treat Yourself With Sleep

The American Psychology Association(8) says, "Too little shuteye has been linked to increased risk of car crashes, poor work performance, and problems with mood and relationships."

When we don't get enough sleep, our bodies produce more of the hormone cortisol, which is linked to weight gain, high blood pressure, mood swings, depression, and more.

Getting a proper amount of sleep can make a huge difference in your day. As a parent, it can sometimes feel challenging to get a restful night's sleep because of feedings, diaper changes, or a toddler waking you from a bad dream.

But, making it a priority (maybe adding a nap time to your schedule) to get 8 or more hours of sleep per day may help you feel more energized, optimistic, motivated, and happy.

Does CBD help with stress? Here at Zatural, we have CBD + CBN products specifically designed to help you get your best rest and reduce stress!


5. Healthy Eating Habits

Couple eating a healthy meal

When you eat a healthy diet with fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean meat, you may feel lighter, more energized, and happier.

Learning to abstain from unhealthy foods that are saturated in fat, high in sugar content, or made with other unhealthy substitutes will also aid in healthier nutrition.

If you need additional assistance in adding vitamins and minerals to your diet, you can take supplements. If you struggle with cravings or overeating, try products like CBD Appethyl.

Appethyl is a healthy way to help reduce cravings and the desire to overeat. Appethyl is derived from the spinach leaf.

It can be added to a smoothie or taken by capsule. Studies suggest that taking Appethyl over months may aid in weight loss. CBD may also increase metabolism and reduce appetite.

Eating healthy will help improve the way you feel, provide natural energy, and help aid with weight loss. As the saying goes, "Look good, feel good."


6. Taking CBD for Stress?

What is CBD? CBD or Cannabidiol has mental and physical effects. Our bodies produce endocannabinoids to help regulate many functions, including discomfort, mood, immunity, and worry. In a previous post, our ND, MaryAnn Stanger, explains;

"When CBD is taken orally, the body absorbs the CBD, and our endocannabinoid system processes it. The endocannabinoid system syncs with our body's nervous system to distribute CBD to CB1 and CB2 receptors primarily found in the brain organs, immune system, and tissues."

CBD may help alleviate feelings of worry or mood. CBD may also assist in decreasing inflammation in muscles and joints and increase the ability to sleep. CBD oil's side effects are typically mild and may include dizziness, dry mouth, and slight changes in appetite, which are important to keep in mind when considering its use.

Some CBD products may also aid in weight loss by boosting metabolism and reducing appetite. Other cannabinoids like CBG are specifically designed to assist stress and stress-related symptoms.

CBG is another cannabinoid produced by the cannabis plant, and when paired with either full-spectrum CBD or broad-spectrum CBD, it makes a powerful supplement for combating stress.


Sum it up!

If you are a parent who struggles with stress, these 6 coping skills for stressed parents will be key in helping you overcome stress. Improved the perception of stress, talked about stressors, added physical activity to daily tasks, got plenty of sleep, had healthy eating habits, and mixed CBD in when needed.

Products like CBD Chocolate or CBD Hot Chocolate Mix can help with worry, too. The benefits of CBD are amazing and are worth giving a try. Enjoy the effects of CBD with any of our Zatural CBD products.

There are many ways to cope with stress. Stress can lower your quality of life, and here at Zatural, we want to help you live your best life!

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For educational purposes only.

*FDA DISCLAIMER -These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.

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